London Central Build Blog – Week 16

Structural works are on-going in both data halls this week, including fireproofing and wall extensions. This will lead into the construction of our goods lift shaft, and the installation of our hung ceilings on both levels.

Mounting of the slogan text on our newly powder coated sign back boards

First skin of fireproofing being applied to the underside of the mezzanine floor

Opening in mezzanine floor ahead of shaft assembly

There aren’t a great deal of updates to illustrate with photographs this week, as heavy structural works have meant limited access to certain areas of the building. A large portion of time is also being spent on system design, such as finalisation of the cooling systems both inside the data floors and in supplementary rooms throughout the facility.

London Central Build Blog – Week 15

Our large exterior sign is now almost ready to be installed on the outside of our building. The backing boards are being powder coated for us, after which point the sign will be assembled in it’s final state, wired up and fitted to the outside of our facility. Our team of decorators have been hard at work again this week, completing various areas within the facility ready for installation works to commence, particularly in our Meet Me room.

Test mount of signage letters on unfinished back boards

This sign is over 6.2 meters across and almost 2 meters tall

Completed entrance lobby decoration

Preparing Meet Me room wall for wall cabinets

Unistrut installed ready for wall cabinets

First two 9U wall cabinets are installed and levelled

Finished wall cabinet installation

Cardboard recycling following wall cabinet unboxing

This week has seen some excellent developments in technical areas of the facility. Next week will see the mezzanine floor fire proofed and readied for the running of cable management, as well as structural works in both data halls. Our exterior sign will also be ready for fixing to the side of our building.

London Central Build Blog – Week 14

Week 14 has seen further progress on technical areas of the facility, including the build room for the first data hall, and the meet-me / core network room. Structural works in the technical side of the facility, such as the construction of the cold plant corridor, will begin very shortly.

Build room for first data hall ready for decoration

Installation of new metal hung ceiling in shower room

Installation of new metal hung ceiling in shower room

Glass pane installation in board room partitioning

Glass pane installation in board room partitioning

Completed board room partitioning

Another look at the completed board room

Finished board room ahead of table lid installations

Delivery of new exterior signage items

Test mount of signage on unfinished backboard without stand-offs

Our exterior sign is over 6 meters across, and is backlit with warm white LEDs. This will really make a bold statement in the local area, making our building stand out to visitors from a healthy distance.

London Central Build Blog – Week 13

Many areas of the new facility are now reaching completion, particularly in the ‘front of house’ expanses of the building. Apart from various finishing touches, more rooms have reached completion this week.

First UPS in place in electrical intake room

Customer kitchen area nearing completion

Customer kitchen area nearing completion

Entertainment centre and lockers in place in customer lounge

One of the 8 large flat screen TVs positioned around the new facility

Temporary systems now in place on ground floor

Flooring laid in reception lobby

Flooring in lobby completed, awaiting final decoration

Progress is very solid as we move towards the Summer. The heavy technical works in the first data hall are ready to commence in earnest, with works under way in the coming weeks to build our state-of-the-art man traps and cable management systems. Our large exterior signage is due for installation in the coming weeks also.

London Central Build Blog – Week 12

Week 12 has seen further developments across the entire site, with advancements in the electrical intake room, as well as further amenity improvements.

AMF and other enclosures during installation

Installation of AMF and enclosures reaching completion for this phase

Laying of new flooring continues on ground floor

Some of the batteries as removed from Sutton's Core UPS

Our storage area filling out nicely with new hardware

New state-of-the-art touch screen vending machines installed into customer kitchen

New state-of-the-art touch screen vending machines installed into customer kitchen

One of our NOC stations coming together, complete with red emergency line