London Central Build Blog – Week 2 Part 2

The structure of the mezzanine floor has reached completion this week. This is the first major milestone to be reached in this project, meaning that primary building works are now complete.

Completed mezzanine floor


Completed mezzanine floor

This week also saw office works begin, with the removal of all existing flooring in this side of the building.

Flooring removal in main open plan office

Old flooring on ground floor ready for removal

We have also begun to take delivery of our new Cisco core infrastructure. This has been delivered early to allow for all pre-configuration works to be carried out by our team, ready for our go live date.

Cisco hardware delivery

Cisco hardware delivery

Our new Cisco core will be faster and more resilient than the system it is replacing in Sutton. We are investing heavily in both network and power infrastructure at the new data centre, making it one of London’s most advanced hosting facilities.

London Central Build Blog – Week 2 Part 1

We are now half way through week two, and can show you progress on the new mezzanine floor so far.

The mezzanine floor steelwork reaching completion.

Access hatch for cabinet lift.

Additional view of steelwork.


Cable management going into Customer Kitchen ceiling.


Temporary data centre space preparations on the ground floor.


The steelwork of the mezzanine floor from below.


Flooring being laid on steelwork.

The mezzanine floor will be finished this coming Friday (24th January).

Build works are now well under way, with all areas of the facility seeing dramatic change. The office side of the facility has had its flooring removed ready for our new carpets and hard floors, which will be the first major installation on the office side of the site.

London Central Build Blog – Week 1

Serious works began at the new data centre this week, starting with clearing works to make way for the large mezzanine floor to be installed next week. As the first part to this blog, we will begin with a small selection of photos of the new facility prior to works beginning, followed by some update photos as clearing works are under way.


Clearing works began this week, preparing the site for the division of the warehouse into two data halls.

As you can see when comparing the first gallery to the shots above, much of the original ceiling rig has been removed, including lighting, duct work and cooling systems. This will be finalised towards the end of next week when the mezzanine floor is installed. You can also see where a new doorway has been cut on the first floor, which will lead from the first floor build room onto the new data floor.

This week has also seen the installation of cable tray systems throughout the office and amenities side of the building, ready for cable pulling to begin shortly. Check back next week for progress shots of the mezzanine installation.

Build Blog for London Central data centre starts this month

We are very pleased to announce that we will be running a build blog for progress updates and special ‘behind the scenes’ reports from the new data centre build project.

Expect posts in this category to contain detailed information on each stage of the project, along with pictures and comments from the management team. Watch this space – the first update is due next week!