Netwise Hosting commended as Best SME at Sutton Business Awards

Commended as Best SMEWe are very pleased to announce that we have again received fantastic recognition for our hard work and dedication, this time at the 2013 Sutton Business Awards.

Netwise Hosting has been Commended in the Best SME category at this years awards, held in Croydon on the 14th November. This award will join a long and ever-growing list of accolades accumulating in our awards space, including Best New Business at the 2012 Sutton Business Awards and 2012 South London Business Awards and Best Green Business at the 2013 South London Business Awards.

Next year we will be looking to enter the 2014 National Business Awards, and will also be in the running for some key industry-specific awards for further recognition of our efforts in the data centre services marketplace.

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