London Central Build Blog – Week 31

As our first data hall reaches shell completion, and technical installations can begin in earnest, progress in the new facility is set to rocket towards completion, expected before Christmas this year.

Emergency lighting row installed into ceiling, along the main access run leading to cold corridor pods

Emergency lighting row installed into ceiling, along the main access run leading to cold corridor pods

Lighting and door installations reaching completion

Lighting and door installations reaching completion

First coat of weatherproof paint applied to inside of cold corridor

First coat of weatherproof paint applied to inside of cold corridor

A look at construction works in the first floor data hall from the vision panels along the board room wall

A look at construction works in the first floor data hall from the vision panels along the board room wall

Large cable delivery, weighing in at over 1,000kg

Large cable delivery, weighing in at over 1,000kg

Earth cabling ready for installation, another few hundred kilograms

Earth cabling ready for installation, another few hundred kilograms

We have reached a pivotal stage in our progress this month (September 2014), as many of the tasks which have been required to push forwards with larger works are now completed. Although the state of the facility indicates to our readers that we are still deep in the middle of the project, we are in fact not that far away from having the first racks deployed in the data hall, ahead of building final elements such as cold corridor enclosures and finishing touches.

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