While structural works are finalised on the ground floor, the first floor data hall is having work done on its floor this week. The bulk of the work is preparative, in anticipation of the epoxy resin finish which will be applied once ready. After this has cured, the final structural works will be completed on the first floor ready for fit out.
Category / Build Blog
Build Blog category, containing build progress posts for our various projects, including data centres, systems and other related tasks.
London Central Build Blog – Week 18
Before moving onto this weeks updates, below you will find a photograph of the new exterior signage with rear illumination. The wiring was completed early this week, meaning the sign is now fully operational.
Structural works on the ground floor are now complete for this phase of the build project, apart from the ground floor man trap which is due for installation shortly. The fit out for the ground floor data hall will be picked up once the data hall on the first floor is nearing completion, as part of the facilities second phase build-out. All that remains for the ground floor technical space is a hung ceiling, decoration and flooring. The space will then have a divisional wall installed and the expansive area will become dry storage / goods-in until phase two is green lit.
Our team have also begun assembling the custom control units which will operate both primary and backup cooling systems in our off-data floor technical spaces, such as the Electrical Intake Room and Meet-Me Room.
London Central Build Blog – Week 17
While structural works continue in both data halls, another team was able to give focus to the signage on the exterior of the building this week. This has transformed the building, branding it as our own and making the facility easily identifiable from all directions.
This is another milestone week for Netwise, in that the building has now been branded with our logo, making our arrival to the area somewhat official. We have further signage being installed soon, including Netwise House lettering on the front of the building, and other supplementary signage that will help direct visitors around the estate. Expect photos of the signage lit up at night soon.
Improved access to the data halls next week should also allow for further photo-updates.
London Central Build Blog – Week 16
Structural works are on-going in both data halls this week, including fireproofing and wall extensions. This will lead into the construction of our goods lift shaft, and the installation of our hung ceilings on both levels.
There aren’t a great deal of updates to illustrate with photographs this week, as heavy structural works have meant limited access to certain areas of the building. A large portion of time is also being spent on system design, such as finalisation of the cooling systems both inside the data floors and in supplementary rooms throughout the facility.
London Central Build Blog – Week 15
Our large exterior sign is now almost ready to be installed on the outside of our building. The backing boards are being powder coated for us, after which point the sign will be assembled in it’s final state, wired up and fitted to the outside of our facility. Our team of decorators have been hard at work again this week, completing various areas within the facility ready for installation works to commence, particularly in our Meet Me room.
This week has seen some excellent developments in technical areas of the facility. Next week will see the mezzanine floor fire proofed and readied for the running of cable management, as well as structural works in both data halls. Our exterior sign will also be ready for fixing to the side of our building.